RSVP for Our Exciting Events


Your participation is crucial in making our gatherings successful and memorable.

Houston Dermatological Society Meeting Reservation

RSVP Closed

The RSVP for this event is now closed. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Katherine O’Brien at [email protected]


The officers of the Houston Dermatological Society strive to bring membership great programs in great locations around the Houston Area. We ask that all guests, including healthcare professionals pay the $40 guest fee to help the Society offset the cost of the CME accreditation and other meeting expenses.

Although all healthcare professionals are welcome to HDS meetings, confirmed guest seating is reserved for HDS Members, dermatology residents and fellows.  Reservations for all other guests will be based upon seating availability.  The HDS administrative office will notify members as space is available by the Friday before the meeting.

To contact HDS Administration please contact Katherine O’Brien at [email protected]