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Unlock a world of opportunities by joining the Houston Dermatological Society.
Any Member of the Texas Medical Association, in good standing, whose practiced is limited to dermatology, dermatopathology, or any one or more of these subjects, shall be eligible for membership in this Society.
Residents & Fellows are guests of the Society and are encouraged to participate and attend in the meetings.
Join the Society today, and become a member! Click below for downloadable membership application or online due payments.

There are five categories of membership:
A. Active
B. Honorary
C. Special
D. Inactive
E. Life
A. Active
B. Honorary
C. Special
D. Inactive
E. Life
A. Eligibility for Active Membership:
1. Candidates with the following qualifications may apply for active membership:
a) Completion of a Houston Dermatological Society (HDS) application form (which shall include a copy of the constitution and by-laws).
b) Certification by the American Board of Dermatology.
c) Membership in good standing in the Texas Medical Association.
d) Practice limited to Dermatology and Syphilology for one year in Texas prior to application for membership.
b) Certification by the American Board of Dermatology.
c) Membership in good standing in the Texas Medical Association.
d) Practice limited to Dermatology and Syphilology for one year in Texas prior to application for membership.
2. Upon delivery to the HDS Secretary of the application, a candidate will become a probationary applicant with all the privileges of the Society except that he or she may not hold office, vote or attend business meetings. The application fee for one year will be paid with the delivery of the application. At the end of one year from the date of delivery of the application, the candidate may become an Active Member upon the completion of each of the following:
a) Submission of three letters of recommendation from active members each with more than three years active membership.
b) Certification of attendance at a minimum of 50% of the HDS general meetings during the previous year.
c) Approval of admittance to active membership by at least, 75% of the active members at a general meeting.
d) Approval by the Executive Committee based on the candidate’s meeting the requirements of Sec. III. A. l.
b) Certification of attendance at a minimum of 50% of the HDS general meetings during the previous year.
c) Approval of admittance to active membership by at least, 75% of the active members at a general meeting.
d) Approval by the Executive Committee based on the candidate’s meeting the requirements of Sec. III. A. l.
3. If for any reason an applicant is denied membership a letter from the HDS Secretary to the applicant shall be delivered and include a statement of reasons why membership was denied, and rights to a review hearing before the membership at a general meeting. If a rejected applicant so desires he or she may then request that the HDS President arrange a hearing before a meeting of the general membership at which the applicant may present his or her credentials and reasons why they should be a member of HDS. Such a hearing should be at a HDS general business meeting with the rejected applicant given at least one month notice of the meeting. An applicant will be granted Active Membership if at such a hearing at least 75% of the Active Members present approve of the applicant’s membership.
B. Eligibility for Honorary Membership
Names for Honorary Membership shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and if elected by a majority vote of the entire Active Membership, they shall be excused from paying dues and assessments but shall retain other privileges of Active Membership.
C. Special Membership
A physician, who does not fulfill all the criteria for Active or Associate Membership may under special circumstances, be considered for Special Membership in the HDS. A candidate for Special Membership must be nominated by an Active Member at a regular meeting. The Executive Committee shall review each application individually and must then recommend the candidate to the Society at any stated meeting. His/her name shall be voted on at a subsequent meeting. Voting shall be by secret ballot. One adverse vote shall reject the applicant from this category of membership. A Special Member shall retain all the rights and privileges of an Active or Associate Member. Payment of dues or assessments will be required. It is the prerogative of the Executive Committee to ask the individual to apply for Active or Associate Membership at any time.
D. Inactive Membership
An Active or Associate Member of the Society may request status as an Inactive Member upon written application to the Society. Two-thirds of the members present at the next following meeting must approve the application. An Inactive Member shall retain all the rights of the Active or Associate Member but shall be excused from payment of dues or assessments. The Officers of the Society are obligated to review the status of Inactive Members each year in June. If adequate reason to remain on an Inactive status no longer exists the Executive Committee of the Society must advise the Inactive Member in July to apply for Active or Associate Membership or be dropped automatically from membership in the Society in January of the following year.
E. Life Membership
Any member of the Society in good standing who has been a .member for at least 10 years and has retired from active practice may apply for Life membership by a written application to the Society. Each application shall be considered individually by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall review the application and may then recommend the candidate to the Society at any stated meeting. His name shall be voted on at the next subsequent meeting. Two-thirds of the members present at this meeting must approve the application for Life Membership. A Life Member shall retain all the rights and privileges of an Active Member but shall be excused from payment of dues and assessments. It is the prerogative of the Executive Committee to reinstate the individual to Active Membership at any time.